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Sword Sirens (The Weatherblight Saga Book 1) Page 19

  He looked toward the forest and noticed a tree jutting out at an odd angle that was directly in front of the slime. Ari didn’t have time to stop and consider whether it would work. He rushed into the forest, climbed onto the half-fallen tree trunk, and began to swing from one of its branches.

  The tree was nearly uprooted, and with each movement, Ari could feel it coming further loose from the ground. The slime was moving forward at a slow pace and would be directly under where he needed it in mere seconds. Timing was of the essence, but he didn’t have much margin for error. Kerys was coughing, and he could see that the slime was about to suck her in far enough to cover her mouth completely.

  “Arrghh!” Ari threw all of his weight against the tree trunk and felt it snap loose completely. The tree threw him into a tumble as it fell, smashing down in a direct hit against the slime’s oozing bulk.

  Ari landed in the river. He found his footing against the slick rocks and hurried over to the bank. The tree trunk attack had been more successful than he could have ever hoped. It hadn’t just injured the slime. It’d completely obliterated it, scattering blue ooze into disgusting piles that coated the nearby grass and bushes. Eva was already back on her feet. Kerys was still lying on the ground, unmoving and coated in slime.

  “No…” Ari said, feeling a lump of despair cramping in his chest.

  “She’s alive,” said Eva. “But the slime has an acidic quality to it, and I think some may have gotten into her throat.”

  Eva opened Kerys’ mouth and then pressed both hands down hard on her chest several times. Nothing happened. Ari could only watch and do his best not to express his overwhelming concern and worry.

  Eva gently brushed a hand across Kerys’ lips and then pressed her own mouth against hers in a resuscitating kiss. She did it twice, pushing down on her chest each time, until Kerys finally let out a cough and spat up a disgusting blob of blue.

  “Kerys,” said Ari. “Thank Dormiar. Oh, Kerys…”

  He crouched next to her, squeezing her hand in his. She was still coughing, but her eyes were open, and she seemed to be aware of the situation.

  “We need to keep moving,” said Eva. “The fog has not abated yet. Unfortunately, I do not think the blow you struck was a killing one, milord.”

  Ari hadn’t been paying much attention to anything other than Kerys, but he looked up as Eva gestured to something behind him. Bits of slime were in motion, moving and collecting into a growing pile that was essentially a smaller version of the monster he’d faced.

  “Kerys, can you walk?” asked Ari.

  “Maybe,” she said. “My dress. It’s torn.”

  Ari glanced down at her dress, which was still soiled with the blue ooze. Calling it torn was a bit of an understatement. The acidic ooze had melted dozens of holes into the fabric, one of them revealing most of a breast and nipple.

  “Don’t worry about it,” said Ari. “It doesn’t matter right now.”

  He scooped her onto his back and started moving at a brisk pace alongside Eva back toward the tower. They watched their surroundings as carefully as they could, staying vigilant until the fog slowly began to fade to a soft mist and evaporated all together.

  Still, Ari was on edge until they’d made it up the hill and back into the tower. He set Kerys down in the common room and rolled out his tired shoulders. Kerys was staring down at her dress, looking more distraught than she had when the slime had gotten hold of her originally.

  “This is my only clothing,” she said, trying to cover some of the more revealing holes with her hands. “This was my favorite dress. It’s the only thing I have left from the Hollow.”

  “You can borrow my spare tunic,” said Ari.

  Kerys nodded, but her expression didn’t change. Ari went upstairs and grabbed it for her, and Kerys changed into it without a word. It looked ridiculous on her, almost like a dress in its own right, but a poor fitting one without much feminine fashion appeal. Kerys looked like she was about to cry.

  “Give me some time,” said Eva. “I believe I can help with this.”

  Eva took Kerys’ dress and disappeared into the privy. Ari heard the sound of the shower running, and figured that she’d at least get the ruined garment clean, if nothing else.

  “I’ll handle gathering the firewood and cooking dinner,” he said. “After what you’ve been through, you deserve a rest. Probably some bathing time, too. You kind of smell like a slime.”

  Kerys smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes.

  Ari gathered the firewood with a heavy heart. Kerys’ words about how she missed the Hollow echoed in his head, and he found himself wondering if it was enough for them to just survive.

  He could build up the tower’s defenses. He could make sure they had food, and the means to defend against the Weatherblight. But he couldn’t buy her a new dress. He couldn’t reassure her that it was going to be okay in the same way her parents, or her friends could. He couldn’t offer her a community to lean on in times of emotional turmoil and need.

  The sun was setting in the distance as he lit the fire and coaxed the flames into spreading through the wood. He headed back into the tower as soon as he had a solid blaze going and raised an eyebrow at what he saw.

  Eva was in the middle of sewing Kerys’ dress. She’d taken one of the makeshift kellowack leather blankets and cut it into long strips. Using Ari’s knife to punch tiny holes in the fabric and a long strand of thread taken from the dress itself, she was slowly using the leather to mend it and doing a surprisingly good job of it.

  “Wow,” he said.

  “I’m still familiar with sewing,” said Eva. “It is strange, is it not? I know how to do this, but I cannot remember a specific time of having done it before.”

  “Are you hoping that you’ll eventually remember a lost life as a seamstress?” asked Ari.

  Eva glanced up from her work to meet his eye and gave a small, somewhat shy nod.

  “I want to remember as much as I can,” she said. “I hope it is not imprudent for me to admit that.”

  “Of course not,” said Ari. “Did Kerys head upstairs?”

  “She’s resting in her bed,” said Eva.

  Ari headed back outside, taking the cooking pot with him. He decided not to use it in the end, as the thought of eating boiled snake and potato stew didn’t really appeal to him all that much.

  Instead, he cooked both halves of the massive snake on two separate spits and let the potatoes cook on the hot coals on the fire’s edge. It was clumsier than what Kerys would have likely accomplished, but the smell was enough to make his mouth water, and he felt like he’d done a decent job when it was done.

  Eva had just finished Kerys dress. The fabric was still wet from being washed, but that didn’t stop Ari from being able to recognize the incredible tailoring on display. Kerys came downstairs just as Eva was holding it up for Ari’s inspection and stopped in her tracks when she saw it.

  “Is that… mine?” she asked.

  The question was a valid one, given how Eva had transformed the garment. Strips of leather ran in circles up the lower portion, neatly covering the holes the slime had melted into it. More strips crisscrossed into a curving X shape that covered the hole over her breast, along with the ones on either side, underneath the arms.

  It looked better than it had before, in Ari’s opinion. And the addition of the leather would make it far more resistant to the general wear and tear it would face over time. Eva bowed to Kerys as she passed it into her hands.

  “I did the best that I could, Lady Kerys,” she said. “I hope the fit is to your liking.”

  “Evastria…” said Kerys, in a small voice.

  The two women looked at each other in silence for a couple of seconds. Ari got the sense that there was more to the moment than just the dress. Emotions simmered in the background, along with fresh understanding.

  “Thank you,” said Kerys.

  “Think nothing of it.” Eva flashed a tiny smile.

sp; “Want to watch me try it on?” asked Kerys.

  “Sure!” said Ari.

  “I was talking to Eva, not you,” said Kerys.

  “It is still a little damp, milady,” said Eva.

  “So am I, since I just finished washing all that gunk off me,” said Kerys. “And call me Kerys.”

  “Of course, Lady Kerys,” said Eva.

  Kerys giggled and shook her head in mock exasperation. She took Eva’s hand into hers, and the two of them headed upstairs together.

  “Right, then,” said Ari. “Dinner is ready downstairs, whenever the two of you are ready. I’ll just be sitting by the fire, twiddling my thumbs all by my lonesome.”


  Opinions on dinner were mixed. Ari enjoyed the flavor of the snake if not the extremely chewy texture. Eva didn’t comment on it, though she ate plenty. Kerys refused to even try it, though they’d gathered enough potatoes, carrots, and berries to let her have a somewhat varied meal regardless.

  She was still wearing Ari’s second tunic, since her newly repaired dress needed to dry. Between the poor fit of her borrowed clothing and her pickiness, it was hard for him to not treat her like a child.

  “It’s better than you’d think,” said Ari. “I promise. It kind of tastes like cave pork, but leaner.”

  “I’m not eating that, Aristial,” said Kerys.

  “It’s not like we have food to spare, Kerys,” said Ari.

  “The two of you can have the rest of it for breakfast.” Kerys quite literally turned her nose up, and Ari let the issue drop.

  At Eva’s suggestion, they spent some time outside after dinner gathering firewood, since the sky was clear and both moons were nearly full, providing plenty of illumination. Ari saw the logic in it.

  The more tasks they could take care of in advance each day, the more time they’d slowly end up accumulating. Much of the process of surviving was simple busywork, and if they could get a jump on it in a few places, they’d have a huge advantage.

  The three of them headed back to the tower afterward. Ari had rolled a sarkin flower stick from some of the buds he’d found earlier, but Kerys made him finish smoking it before coming inside. He was sporting a significant buzz as he joined them in the common room and had to work to keep from grinning like a fool.

  “Well then,” said Kerys. “I think I’ll spend some time upstairs looking around the library. At least an hour, at the minimum, after which I’ll be heading to bed.”

  She gave Eva an odd look, along with a tiny nod.

  “Uh, okay,” said Ari. “Thanks for the announcement.”

  “You’re welcome,” said Kerys, with a hint of annoyance in her voice. “I’ll see the two of you in the morning.”

  Ari looked over at Eva as Kerys disappeared upstairs.

  “What was that about?” he asked.

  “The two of us had a talk,” said Eva.

  “Oh?” said Ari. “What about?”

  “There is no need to play coy,” said Eva. “It was about you and our somewhat conflicting relationships with you.”

  Ari sighed. He’d hoped that after his talk with Kerys the previous night that the tension between the two women might have started to abate. Eva sewing Kerys’ dress had seemed like a good start, but he sensed that they still had a long way to go.

  “What did she say?” asked Ari. “And what did you say? You aren’t sworn to secrecy, are you?”

  “I do not believe so,” said Eva. “She cares for you, Aristial. She’s uncertain about how she feels about sharing you.”

  “She doesn’t own me,” said Ari, frowning a little. “I know that her feelings are pretty mixed up, but I don’t see why this is an issue. We’re just strengthening our bond. It’s not like our intimacy is completely natural.”

  Eva was silent for a couple of seconds. She blinked a couple of times, but she didn’t otherwise react to his words.

  “Of course, milord,” she said. “I explained that to her, along with my own personal desire to regain more of my memory through strengthening the bond.”

  “Did she accept that, in the end?” he asked.

  Eva nodded. “She did.”

  “Just like that?” asked Ari.

  “We had a long discussion,” said Eva. “There was more to it than just that.”

  Her tone was a little stiff, and it didn’t invite Ari to delve deeper with more questions. He sighed and gave a small shrug.

  “She’ll be alright with us strengthening the bond tonight, then?” he asked. “That’s why she was so specific about where she’d be, and how long.”

  “Her only request was for us not to be intimate outside of when it is necessary, and never more than once every other day,” said Eva.

  “For someone who isn’t sure about her own feelings, she sure does seem comfortable dictating the emotional boundaries of others,” said Ari.

  “It is for the best for us to come to a compromise,” said Eva. “I know how much you care for her. I do not wish to come between the two of you in a way that damages your relationship.”

  “What about you, though?” asked Ari. “Are you alright with this?”

  “I am,” said Eva.

  Ari crossed his arms. “Would you tell me the truth if this made you uncomfortable? If it felt weird for you to have to tiptoe around Kerys’ feelings to keep building our bond?”

  “I…” Eva hesitated, and an odd, unidentifiable emotion passed over her face. “I am committed to putting your needs, and the needs of those you care about, before my own.”

  “That’s not what I asked,” said Ari.

  Eva shrugged and looked away. “Does my answer not suffice?”

  Ari scowled at her. She stood up before he could say anything else, coming around to the side of the table Ari was leaning against and stepping in close enough to invade his personal space.

  “Shall we go upstairs?” asked Eva.

  She held his gaze with that same intensity that had caught him so off guard the first time they’d been intimate. Ari knew that just because she was comfortable following his orders and taking on a submissive role in day to day life didn’t mean she was lacking for confidence.

  “Sure,” he said. “Let’s go.”

  Eva took him by the hand and slowly led him up the spiral stairs. She brought him into her small bed chamber, closing the door gently behind them. It was exactly the same as Ari’s own room, except for one detail. Eva had set the flower he’d given her earlier in the day on her bedside table.

  He wanted to say something about it, but what was there to say? It was just a flower. One that he’d given her, and one that had resonated with her memories, but nothing beyond that. It didn’t matter. It wasn’t a big deal.

  Eva came up next to him, embracing him from the side. Ari felt his heart pound a little faster as he wrapped one of his arms around her and let his lips find hers. The flower was just a flower, and the kiss was just a kiss.

  The way Eva made him feel when they were intimate, almost as though his body was lighter than air, was just another part of their bond building. It had nothing to do with them as people, even if her body felt right against his, and even if he felt an almost overwhelming urge to hold her close and never let go.

  She pulled back slightly, letting her hands take hold of the scruff of his tunic, almost as though they were in a fight. The smirk on her face was confident and flirtatious, and Ari grinned and blushed a little at the intensity of it.

  “Milord,” she whispered. “I have noticed that your… swordsmanship skills are self-taught.”

  “Have you, now?” asked Ari.

  “You could use some instruction to refine your skills,” whispered Eva.

  Ari grabbed her and kissed her roughly, groping her butt and pulling one of her legs up in anticipation of what was about to happen. Eva met his aggression with an intense, flowing passion. She was like water, shifting to accommodate his movements and need. A perfect and elusive lover.

said Ari, “is overrated.”

  “You have something else in mind, then?” whispered Eva. “Not all foes can be defeated through aggressive, blunt action.”

  Ari pushed her down on the bed. Eva was still smirking, and he knew that she was teasing him. Or at least, he was pretty sure.

  “I have a capable sword,” said Ari. “And I know how to use it.”

  He pinned her down as he spoke, kissing her again and letting his erection poke at her through their clothes. He ran his hand over Eva’s unusual clothing, wondering how the white bodice and skirt had managed to remain that way over the past few days.

  “Perhaps I should test you, then?” whispered Eva. “To make sure you are ready to go into action?”

  Her words were breathy now, and they came in quick bursts. Ari gave her a deep kiss, his fingers reaching around and fumbling to undo the mud-damned ties that had stymied him during their last intimate encounter.

  “I’m more than ready,” said Ari, finally undoing the last tie. “I get the sense that you are, too.”

  His hand slid under her skirt and into her panties. She was wet, and as his fingers began to explore and run over her, she bit her lower lip and let out a quiet, wavering sigh.

  “Come at me with your sword then, milord,” she whispered. “See if you can score a hit.”

  Ari was far too horny to maintain their verbal foreplay. He all but tore off his tunic and kicked aside his trousers as though they were on fire. Eva rose to her knees on the bed as he was shifting around, and they were both mostly upright as they kissed.

  She surprised him by taking one of his wrists into her hand and grappling, as though they really were in the middle of a fight. Ari grinned at her and let out a small grunt of effort as he shifted his body against hers. Half of him was actually wrestling. The other half just wanted to grind against her.

  Eva twisted, and Ari pushed her forward onto the bed. Her head and upper shoulders went down, but she kept her butt in the air. Ari pulled down her panties before she could right herself and quickly found the magic angle. He levered his hips forward while still holding onto her waist and keeping her in position, sheathing half of his hard cock into the realm of hot, wet glory.